Draft program
(status May, 7th)

Conference Dinner

Bus Shuttle Service


CoastColour and SeaSWIR User Consultation Meeting,
EUMETSAT premises, Darmstadt
Objective: The recent results of the CoastColour and SeaSWIR projects will be communicated to the scientific and broader coastal user community. Feedback from coastal scientists, managers and other stakeholder will be gathered, and future possibilities with the upcoming Sentinels will be discussed. Recommendations for further scientific work, requirements for new sensors and for exploitation of Earth Observation data for coastal zones will be formulated. These will be addressed to the Space Agencies and research funding organisations.
[Status: 7th May, 2013]
Thursday 09.05.2013 - Morning
09:00 Registration & welcome coffee
Opening session: Status of CoastColour & SeaSWIR projects
09:30 SeaSWIR project: overview of field campaigns and first results
11:00 Coffee break [30']
CoastColour project: overview and first results
- CoastColour products (L1P, L2R, L2W) and algorithms
(Carsten BROCKMANN and Roland DOERFFER, Brockmann Consult GmbH) [60']
- CoastColour and OC-CCI (Shubba SATHYENDRANATH, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, PML) [15']
13:00 Lunch break [60']
Thursday, 09th May, 2013 - Afternoon
14:00 Current status of quality of coastal products
15:30 Coffee break [30']
16:00 Highly Turbid Waters - challenges for atmospheric correction and in-water retrievals
17:00 CoastColour discussion / SeaSWIR internal evaluation and discussion
17:30 End of the day
Thursday, 09th May, 2013 - Evening
19:30 Conference Dinner Restaurant "Sitte"
Friday, 10th May, 2013 - Morning
09:00 Continuation of the Highly Turbid Water session
10:30 Coffee break [30']
11:00 Preparation of exploitation of Sentinels for coastal waters and recommendations for future directions
- ESA Sentinels (Simon Pinnock, ESA) [20']
- OLCI Standard Case 2 Water Products and algorithms (Roland DOERFFER, Brockmann Consult) [20']
- Lessons from MERIS global MCI observations, 2002 to 2012, in preparation for Sentinel 3 (Jim GOWER, Institute of Ocean Sciences) [20']
- MVT and S3 validation activities (Jean-Paul HUOT, ESA) [20']
- Experiences with current high resolution sensors (Landsat-7/8/RE etc.) and preparation of operational water quality services for Sentinel 2 and 3 (Knut HARTMANN, EOMAP) [20']
- Coastal Remote Sensing Using HICO - Results, Challenges, and Potential for Operational Biophysical Parameter Estimation (Wes MOSES, Naval Research Laboratory) [20']
- Spectral, spatial and temporal high resolution data exploitation(Kevin RUDDICK, MUMM) [10']
13:10 Concluding discussion
13:30 Lunch

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 19.04.2013.
Registration: please send an Email to office@coastcolour.org
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